to Fiamma D’Amore™ Institute & Ministries! We are honored by your presence today, and join in heart with you to grow together towards the pure embodiment, and comprehensive, grace-filled manifestation, of Love and Light in our beloved World. May this website, and the works we offer through Fiamma D’Amore™, bless you deeply. Please make yourself at home here.
“Fiamma D’Amore™” means “Flame Of Love” in Italian. In short, Fiamma D’Amore™ Institute & Ministries is devoted to supporting the comprehensive evolution of all of life into alignment with Love. (For more detail on our mission, please refer to our Mission Statement in the “About” section.) We offer many resources that nurture the strength and health of your body, mind, heart and soul ~ even within this website itself.
We are interfaith and holistic in our approach to ministry, health, education and healing. Our works are heart-centered and embody many ideological belief systems, as well as direct spiritual guidance. I encourage you to respond to the deeper truth of what is held here, and if a term used is not one you normally identify with, adjust the terminology in a way that works for you in order for it to better resonate with your personal belief system.
Fiamma D’Amore™ Institute & Ministries is about Love, Heart, Soul, Vitality, Wholeness and Divine Presence. What is most important in working with the programs, tools, resources and materials provided through this site is not necessarily the words, but the Heart within them. Your soul will help you find your personal truth within this “Heart” and will teach you how to make the most of its offering to you.
“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of Love and then, for the second time in history, Man will have discovered fire.”
–Teilhard de Chardin