By Rev. Michele DeMoulin (Writings are primarily channeled)
Honoring RBG & The Power Of The Feminine

On September 18, 2020, we lost an Icon. Our powerful and beloved Supreme Court Justice, the mini-but-mighty honorable Ruth Bader Ginsburg. As we heal from the deep grief we are feeling from her loss and walk through the chaos that her passing at this time has created politically (for our greater … [Read More...]
No Other Option

When we step back and consider the multitude of challenges that are boiling to the surface for our country and our world in this time, we may notice that there is nothing to do but face them head on. There is nowhere to hide. We can no longer avoid them. They are in our faces, far too big to ignore. … [Read More...]
Taking A Stand For The Greater Good

Whether we realize it yet or not, each of us are invaluable to this complex evolutionary process. Each of us are playing an important role in the creation and anchor of the Great Plan. We are each spokes in the wheel, lines in the poem, petals in the unfurling rose. We aid in furthering the Light … [Read More...]
Testing Our Metal

It is sometimes hard to sustain long-term intensity, discipline and focus when challenged, especially as Americans, but as people, overall. As it is often stated, we are “only human.” Yet, this process with the pandemic is pushing us to do just that. For the greater good of protecting the health of … [Read More...]
Through The Heartbreak ~ Let Us Better Love One Another

The devastation of centuries old racism and bigotry, cruelty and oppression, ruthlessness and greed, violence and inhumanity . . . towards African Americans is front and center once more ~ at this time already so deeply painful for our country. We are grieving the loss of more than 100,000 American … [Read More...]
Going The Distance

Self-Healing, Balance & Renewal in Tough Times A common thread in my conversations about the virus with friends, family, clients and neighbors is about how troubling it is that there doesn't seem to be an “end point” on the horizon yet. That its impact is so pervasive, affecting all aspects of … [Read More...]
Faith vs Worry – Going Deeper Into Self

We are in a process of continual change. Our future may seem unmoored and uncertain. As a country and globally, we find ourselves brutalized, at war with a ruthless, unseen foe, and in a state of shocking, unsettling and relentless adjustment. Change is well reputed to be an uncomfortable state … [Read More...]
Spiritual Purpose & Nurturing Growth Through the Virus

A phrase that the Benevolent Beings frequently whisper in my ear, for my own benefit and for that of those whom I support, is to remember that there is purpose in all things. That nothing in life occurs randomly. That nothing occurs without deeper meaning; without also containing providence, gifts, … [Read More...]
Nurturing the Flame of Love: Practical Application

The Flame of Love Soul-Centered Teachings of Fiamma D'Amore™ The Holy Ones teach us that nurturing the Flame of Love, within us, and subsequently within all life, is the key and cornerstone for uplifting and transforming life. We may find, as we work with this concept, that … [Read More...]
Cultivating Tenderness

Song of the Soulmate A Resource To Support Soulmates and Sacred Loving The Blessed Ones teach us that to love deeply, we must develop a strong capacity for tenderness. An ability to see beyond our fears, our pride, our anger, our need to control or to be “separate.” It … [Read More...]
Strengthening Your Flame In Nature
The Flame of LoveSoul-Centered Teachings of Fiamma D'Amore™ The Blessed and Beloved Ones teach us that nurturing and developing the Flame of Love that is our essence is key to our joy, fulfillment and overall wellbeing. One way to strengthen it is to regularly create a visceral connection with … [Read More...]
You Are Never Alone
The Flame of LoveSoul-Centered Teachings of Fiamma D'Amore™ This is such a powerful, and often painful, time in our collective evolution for many of us. It is all for our blessing and highest good. All purifying us and our world in the name of Divine Love. Yet, it has been particularly brutal … [Read More...]