The Principles of Fiamma D’Amore™
Its Heart And Foundational Principles
There are three Holy Beings who are the driving force behind this ministry. They are the Beloved Archangel Michael, the Beloved Mother Mary and the Beloved Jesus Christ. Their Love, Grace and Guidance channel through and inform all our works. They are creating Fiamma D’Amore™ as a vehicle to bless all life and are at its helm. Other Blessed Beings also contribute to this work, which is trans-denominational. “Fiamma D’Amore” means “Flame of Love” in Italian, and encapsulates the essence of what we teach and enhance through our works. Our primary foundational principles are channeled from the Divine and rooted in Universal Wisdom. They are as follows:
- That all Life is, in essence, an evolving expression and extension of Divine Unconditional Love.
- That we, ourselves, are “flames” of Divine Love here to fulfill a unique and vital purpose.
- That Divine Love continually breathes life into us, blesses and protects us, nurtures our growth and prompts us to manifest our beauty and higher purpose.
- That our true essence may only be fully experienced by nurturing the Flame of Love within us and within life.
- That through active alignment with Love, life rises to its deeper expression, reflects who we are more fully and supports greater levels of joy, health, abundance, wellbeing, peace, connection and harmony.
- That the Heart is the voice of the Soul and of the Divine. It is the bridge between physical and spiritual life and the key to our fulfillment.
- That the pain we see and experience in life does not reflect the nature of Life, nor of Divinity, but reflects our feeling disconnected from our own hearts and the false sense of separation from ourselves, from one another, from nature and from God that that feeling creates in us ~ and correspondingly, creates in our world.
- That by healing our hearts and strengthening their life and voice within us, Divinity can operate in loving partnership with us, and our lives, and the world around us, beautifully transform in response.