A Resource To Support Soulmates and Sacred Loving
The Blessed Ones teach us that to love deeply, we must develop a strong capacity for tenderness. An ability to see beyond our fears, our pride, our anger, our need to control or to be “separate.” It is an ability to love without the need to distance oneself from our beloved.
The Holy Ones teach that tenderness is a quality of evolution in our capacities for loving. We, if committed, grow into it, and cannot love as well or beautifully as we are capable of loving if we do not develop this quality.
We rarely think about tenderness. What does it really mean to be tender? Why would it be important? Divine Presence teaches us that in order to love purely and well, we must do our “homework.” We must learn about and bring healing, release and balance to what some call the “ego.” The wounded part of us that vies for constant control and limits, restricts and distorts the love and beauty within us.
In essence, to love with tenderness requires of us to be wise, healed, whole and strong enough in oneself that we are able to relinquish the hold of the “ego” or the “wounded sense of self” for the greater good of meeting and loving our beloved heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul. To love with no artifice, no pretense, no distortion. To love with a brave and open heart, on equal, receptive, responsive and compassionate footing, and to love with deep devotion. It means to hold your own heart and theirs with respect and reverence, and to courageously welcome the transcendent and expansive growth that will occur.
When we bring conscious and loving compassion to the wounds within us that create separation from one another, we begin to heal. And with time and work, our natural abilities to love free of the need to control and separate will steadily become more prominent. Let us join together in heart and vow to learn the great Art of Tenderness. Let us begin today learning to love ourselves and one another with tender devotion ~ free of artifice, heart-to-heart, soul-to-soul.