Soul-Centered Teachings of Fiamma D’Amore™
What does it mean to nurture the Flame of Love ~ in work, in the environment, in community, in partnership, in family, in friendships, etc.? How do we define it in order to apply it more effectively? In essence, it means that we recognize, honor, support and express the Flame of Love innately present ~ first and foremost, within ourselves.
When we nurture the Flame of Love present in any context, the person or people or situation involved have a fertile environment for healthy and positive transformation to begin. Love heals, uplifts and blesses ~ supporting what is our deeper truth and greater purpose and wellbeing. With Love infused, it is easier for us to remember our goodness; to rise beyond our pain; to be ennobled; to expand and to blossom.
Regardless of how it may appear, alignment with the Flame of Love is our more natural state of being. We’ve learned to be numbed and out of touch with it ~ misaligned by blocking our hearts through the over-emphasis of our wounded minds or what some call our ego minds. It often runs the show.
To correct this imbalance, we need to bring healing and consciousness to it. We must direct awareness and attention to our truer natures, the Flame of Love at our core ~ so it may thrive and become stronger than the drive of our wounds. With effort, we will steadily be able to nurture the Flame of Love in all people, creatures and things, as well.
Being blocked in our Hearts, and thus in the flow of the Love within us, by relating to life from our wounded mind, has become so prevalent and automatic that we usually need to keep getting “back on the horse” in our efforts to correct this imbalance and bring consciousness to our loving natures and to that of others.
The more we “get back on the horse” and nurture the Flame of Love, the stronger this ability becomes. It is a “muscle” that develops with focused, loving attention, just as any muscle would. When we bring awareness to our thoughts and interactions, and step back from what may be an automatic inclination, we have the opportunity to remember that Love is present. It may be stifled; yet, it is alive in you, in them, in situations, in nature and in ALL things. From this awareness, we can choose our behaviors accordingly; nurturing, supporting and expressing the Flame of Love within.
In short, nurturing the Flame of Love in oneself and in life requires consciousness, the willingness to heal, grow and let Love lead and the consistent support of its vitality. Here’s to the nurturance of the Flame of Love alive and thriving in all Life!!