The Flame of Love
Soul-Centered Teachings of Fiamma D’Amore™
Soul-Centered Teachings of Fiamma D’Amore™
The Holy Ones teach us that life is richer, more joyful, meaningful, abundant and expansive when we embrace and nurture the “Flame of Love” within us. When we do so, we are aligned with the deeper Truth of life and the deeper Truth of our own Beings. We can always evolve into deeper experience of our “Flame,” and deeper experience of the joy and beauty it represents.
One way of strengthening alignment is to bring consciousness and effort into letting our “Flame” express and operate in our daily lives. In essence, we do this by consciously infusing an action with love. For example, in a work situation, you may wish to take a moment before entering a meeting to tune into your Heart and the Love that is your True nature. Remember it is who you really are and is perpetually alive within you. Feel it pulse within your body, let your “Flame of Love” fill every part of you and shine brightly. Allow it to be present as you enter the meeting room. You are bringing Heart and consciousness to your “Flame,” enabling it to strengthen and bless you, and all present ~ perhaps even uplifting the tenor of the meeting.
By allowing our “Flame of Love” to be active and present in our daily lives, we are blessing ourselves and one another; making it easier for others to also find their way to alignment with their own “Flames.” Our lives, and the lives of those around us, will steadily and powerfully change for the better.
If we have the courage to persist with this work, and embrace the dynamic changes that unfold with dedication and a willing, open heart, we are working in partnership with the Divine and with our True natures ~ as we are meant to be. Things will shift and flow in exciting, and even miraculous, ways. It may feel awkward at first, but your Soul is “at home” with this process and will help you beautifully succeed. It is well worth the effort and occasional discomfort.
By seeking and giving voice and vitality to our “Flame of Love,” our dreams will progressively and joyfully become our reality. It is the longing of our Souls to create our deepest dreams for us, and in aligning with our “Flame, we are giving our Souls permission and a clearer pathway to do so!
If we have the courage to persist with this work, and embrace the dynamic changes that unfold with dedication and a willing, open heart, we are working in partnership with the Divine and with our True natures ~ as we are meant to be. Things will shift and flow in exciting, and even miraculous, ways. It may feel awkward at first, but your Soul is “at home” with this process and will help you beautifully succeed. It is well worth the effort and occasional discomfort.
By seeking and giving voice and vitality to our “Flame of Love,” our dreams will progressively and joyfully become our reality. It is the longing of our Souls to create our deepest dreams for us, and in aligning with our “Flame, we are giving our Souls permission and a clearer pathway to do so!