The devastation of centuries old racism and bigotry, cruelty and oppression, ruthlessness and greed, violence and inhumanity . . . towards African Americans is front and center once more ~ at this time already so deeply painful for our country. We are grieving the loss of more than 100,000 American lives to the coronavirus only since March. And the African American people have been hit inordinately hard with this virus, because, in large part, of the insidious evil of racism and the heartlessness, brutality and inequity with which Black people have been treated throughout the history of our young country. Whatever our political leanings, racism is without soul. It is not right, and it cannot continue. Our country must change. It is changing. There is no turning back. We must go forward, and go forward with Love in our hearts!
My very dear friend, Gabrielle, recently reminded me of the well known poster of a white person and a black person standing next to each other. The caption reads, “There is Only One Race. The Human Race.” We are all one people. Whether we are Black or White, Hispanic, Native American or Oriental, gay or straight, rich or poor, educated or undereducated . . ., we are all equal, all one race, one people.
This ugliness and vile poison has bubbled to the surface, at this most sensitive of times, so that we may finally see it more clearly, begin the process of healing and repair and choose a new direction for ourselves and for our country. Our individual and collective hearts are breaking so that Grace may enter, so that we may go deep enough into the abyss to catalyze pervasive healing and illumined transformation.
We all play a role in this process. We all can look at and grow from what this is teaching us as individuals and as a nation. We all can and must choose a new path for our country. We all bring our own light, love and gifts to the table. We all can hold the Light. We all can hold high, believe in and stand strong within the Power of Love to create and anchor a new level of consciousness and compassion, a new world aligned with love, peace, equanimity, devotion, light, prosperity and beauty. Let us hold the light as a beacon in the night. Let us choose love. Let us be vehicles for Love.

White House Protests